Thursday, March 13, 2008

Just in case...

Ok, so I have a few ideas for cases-I think that I've narrowed it down to one, but we'll see.  I have two main concerns, which are:

1) Size-is it both large enough to hold all the innards that I'm looking for...I'm thinking at least two 500 G Hard Drives in a RAID 1 configuration, or (more likely) four 250 G HD in a 0/1 configuration (ahem...just in case you need the primer) AND is it small enough to fit in my cramped NYC apartment without infuriating my lovely missuz?

B) Price-I'm a cheap bastard, but I do realize that the whole "you get what you pay for" thing is often true.  I don't need to cheap out and get a $20 case that's hideous and annoying to put together, etc...  Also, I don't need to go and get a solid-aluminum-hand-milled-by-Belgian-monks mucho expensivo monstrosity either (well, if you could actually buy that case I might think about it), so I'm mostly looking for something around the $100 range, I guess.

All that being said, I spent a little time in the past few weeks (well, probably months) looking at cases, and I came up with this one...

Well, it's actually less expensive than I was shooting for (cheap bastard), it seems to have plenty of space (for 4 hard drives...we'll have to see if I worry much about expandability), and I like the look (I'm very tired of both the "big metal box" and "purple lucite thing with a dragon engraved on it" schools of design), so I'll probably be keeping this pretty high in my thoughts.

1 comment:

Embee Breedlove said...

ahh, to be a lovely missuz. and yeah, you totally want a case that's solid aluminum and hand milled by Belgian monks, so don't you even pretend.