Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Projecto Numero Uno...

All right-here's the deal: I don't really know anything about computers (other than the whole "I use them 10-12 hours a day/can tell people where to find things in different programs by using my hands to illustrate drop down menus" sort of thing)-I really don't know how they're put together or how the OS interfaces with specific hardware, etc.  I figure, for my own personal edification, I should build one from the ground up and install a non-standard OS (i.e. I use Windows all day at work and OSX all night at home)-I'm thinking Linux, probably Ubuntu to start, until I get comfortable with command line interface, etc...any ideas?  I'll be working on my choices for hardware and posting them as I make them, and I'll be posting the whole process (so that all the 1337 kids out there can get a laugh and all the n00bs...as if there are any left...can color along).

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